Our products

Please fill the form below to request information about our prices.

1. Please select interactive globe hardware

This model has the following specifications:


750mm high cylinder
400mm sphere
900mm interactive ring
external projection


physically interactive

This model has the following specifications:


750mm high cylinder
600mm sphere
1150mm interactive ring
external projection


physically interactive

This model has the following specifications:


930mm high cylinder
950mm IR Multitouch sphere
internal projection


touch interaction

2. Select content / software for your globe


See how the different continents on Earth have shifted over 540 million years. Provided by C.R Scotese of Paleomap.
Source: www.scotese.com


See the changes our planet goes through during the four seasons.

Source: www.noaa.gov


Watch the entire Earth’s 24 hours of airplane traffic.

Source: Thomas Hofer & www.noaa.gov


See the origin and spread of the tsunami that occured in Asia in 2004.

Source: www.noaa.gov


Satellite material that also includes images of hurricanes off of the coast of Florida.

Source: www.noaa.gov


Raise and lower oceanic water levels on Earth to see which areas will flood first if global warming continues.

Source: Spullenmannen


Raise and lower water levels on Mars to see what the planet could potentially look like if it had any. (which it may have had in the past).

Source: Spullenmannen


An overview of the various planets and moons in our solar system.

Source: www.noaa.gov

Educational game where the user steers a helicopter over the globe to quickly reach the objectives.

Custom hotspots can be shown on our globes. This a customized map that we will design together with you, based on your data.

3. Select additional options or services

Optional: On-site installation means that we’ll have a team ready to install the system where it’s needed.

Optional: Remote monitoring allows us to check on your system from our headquarters.

4. Please fill in your contact details

Please contact us to learn about the possibilities and our prices.