Our products
1. Please select interactive globe hardware
This model has the following specifications:
750mm high cylinder
400mm sphere
900mm interactive ring
external projection
physically interactive
This model has the following specifications:
750mm high cylinder
600mm sphere
1150mm interactive ring
external projection
physically interactive
This model has the following specifications:
930mm high cylinder
950mm IR Multitouch sphere
internal projection
touch interaction
2. Select content / software for your globe
An overview of the various planets and moons in our solar system.
Source: www.noaa.gov
Educational game where the user steers a helicopter over the globe to quickly reach the objectives.
Custom hotspots can be shown on our globes. This a customized map that we will design together with you, based on your data.
3. Select additional options or services
4. Please fill in your contact details
Please contact us to learn about the possibilities and our prices.